Oct 25 2018

M24 project meeting

Entering into the third year of the DISC project, the STC meeting after 24 months of the project was held at Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg, Germany on Oct 15-16 2018. The development-phase work packages are finalizing their solutions and making them ready to work together in the integration phase. Simultaneously, in the integration phase the first common cell prototype was developed.

Dissemination activities in the last 6 months include 4 published papers in scientific journals and 15 participations in 4 international conferences.


Sep 19 2018


The biggest photovoltaic conference, EU PVSEC 2018, will be held next week (24-28 September) in The Square – Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, Belgium. The DISC project will be present at the event with:

  • A plenary talk: B. Min et al; Status of the EU H2020 DISC project: European collaboration in research and development of high efficient Double side contacted cells with Innovative carrier-Selective Contacts (2BP.1.4, Tue, 25th, 10:30 - 12:10)
  • In the Parallel event Horizon 2020 projects: Backing the European PV industry (Thu, 27th, 13:30 - 18:30, agenda)
  • 7 regular contributions:
    • E. Bruhat et al; Optimizing TCO Layers for Novel Bifacial Crystalline Silicon Homojunction Solar Cells Integrating Passivated Contacts (2AV.2.38, Mon, 24th, 15:15 - 16:45)
    • F.-J. Haug et al; SiCx- and SiOx-based passivating contacts for high-efficiency silicon solar cells (2CO.11.2, Wed, 26th, 15:15 - 16:45)
    • J. Stückelberger et al; Transparent Passivating Contacts for Front Side Application (2CO.11.6, Wed, 26th, 15:15 - 16:45)
    • J. Geissbühler et al; Processing Routes and Costs for Copper Plating on Bifacial Heterojunction Cells (2CO.12.5, Wed, 26th, 17:00 - 18:30)
    • M. Despeisse, B. et al; Special Introductory Presentation: Engineering of Thin Film Silicon Materials for High Efficiency Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells (2DO.1.1, Thu, 27th, 13:30 - 15:00)
    • J.J. Diaz Leon et al; Transparent conductive oxide screening on high temperature passivating contact solar cells for improved passivation and cell efficiency (2DO.2.1, Thu, 27th, 15:15 - 16:45)
    • L. Ding et al; High mobility IWO for improved current in heterojunction technology solar cells (2DO.2.5, Thu, 27th, 15:15 - 16:45)

See you in Brussels.

Aug 2 2018

DISC in Parallel event at EU PVSEC 2018

The DISC project will be presented in a Parallel event "Horizon 2020 projects: Backing the European PV industry" at the EU PVSEC 2018. The parallel event will take place in the afternoon on Thursday, September 27. The sister projects Ampere and NextBase will also be presented.

The agenda is available for download.

Jun 19 2018

DISC Newsletter #2 and M18 Press Release

The second DISC Newsletter and press release in the middle of the project's duration are available for download.

Jun 8 2018


The DISC project will be present at the 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-7) on the Big Island of Hawaii!

There will be 4 oral presentations by the DISC consortium:

  • G. Nogay et al.; A Simple Process Flow For Silicon Solar Cells With Co-Annealing Of Electron And Hole Selective Passivating Contacts, on Tue at 1:30 in Area 4
  • A. Ingenito et al.; Strategies for integration of passivating contacts in existing production lines, on Tue at 2:45 in Area 4
  • R. Peibst et al.; p+/n+ polysilicon-on-oxide tunneling junctions as an interface of p-type PERC cells for tandem applications, on Wed at 4:30 in Area 3
  • F. Feldmann et al.; A Study on the Charge Carrier Transport of Passivating Contacts, on Thu at 1:30 in Area 4

See you. Aloha!

Apr 27 2018

M18 project meeting

STC meeting after 18 months since the project’s start took place at CEA Ines in Chambery on Apr 11-12 2018. Significant scientific progress was made in the core work packages during the third reporting period, enabling the project to enter the integration phase in the next reporting period. Recent progress resulted in several highlights. The results were published in 4 journal papers and presented at three international conferences with 20 contributions.


Mar 26 2018

DISC @ Silicon PV 2018

The DISC project took an opportunity to present the current results at the Silicon PV 2018 conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. The DISC project was presented in the "EU project special presentation", comprising the H2020 sister-projects Ampere, DISC and Nextbase.

There were additional 9 scientific contributions:

  • T. Hatt et al.; Novel Mask-less Plating Metallization Route for Bifacial Silicon Heterjunction Solar Cells
  • B. Min et al.; Increasing the Photo-generated Current in Solar Cells with Passivating Contacts by Reducing the Poly-Si Deposition Temperature
  • T. Wietler et al.; Formation of a resistive SiOx layer at the interface of poly-Si to aluminium-doped zinc oxide
  • J.-I. Polzin et al.; Realization of Passivating Contacts Using Industrial Scale PECVD Equipment
  • N. Folchert et al.; Temperature-Dependent Contact Resistance Measurements on Carrier-Selective Poly-Si on Oxide Junctions
  • G. Nogay et al.; Silicon rich silicon carbide as poly-Si passivating contacts for Silicon solar cells
  • J. Stückelberger et al.; Analysis of the influence of ITO metallization on phosphorus-doped nanostructured silicon oxide passivating electron contacts
  • C. Messmer et al.; Efficient Hole Extraction for Metal Oxide Based Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: A Simulation Study
  • L. Tutsch et al.; Transparent Conductive Oxides for Passivating Rear Contacts

The detailed list is available under publications.